Binal Wala
“Sister2Sister has helped me gain the confidence to tell my story. It also inspired me to become a strong and empowering personality. ”
When did you come to Canada?
October 2018
Where did you come from?
In a sentence, or two, can you describe why you wanted to move to Canada?
For better prospects in life.
Why were you interested in joining the S2S program?
To gain knowledge about leadership.
What is the most significant thing you have learned about yourself since being a Sister?
I have discovered that I am a good storyteller and so are all my other sisters. Everyone had such inspiring stories.
Please finish these two sentences with one word that describes how you are feeling:
Before the program, I was apprehensive After the program, I am confident.
What did you appreciate the most about the program?
That I was able to join a community of women and the knowledge that I gained in the program
What is your favourite memory from the program?
It’s the first class when I met all the women and realized how diverse the group is. There are literally women from around the world. I was amazed and excited to be with such a group of amazing women.
What did you learn about gender-based violence?
How to advocate for myself and others and where to find information about gender-based violence to help others.
What does it mean to you to be a good leader? How has the Sister2Sister program helped you develop that skill or outlook?
A good leader is one who believes in themselves and knows their team’s strengths and weaknesses. She is Inspiring, she is empowering and she is resilient. Sister2Sister has helped me gain the confidence to tell my story. It also inspired me to become a strong and empowering personality.
What is your one piece of advice to future Sister2Sister members?
Make the most of this opportunity.
Learn about the three women who inspired Binal and why in her PhotoVoice project.