PhotoVoice Project
The Sister2Sister leadership program takes a holistic approach to ensure that newcomer women learn, grow and develop their skills and network. One of the unique activities was the PhotoVoice project. The “sisters” were asked to write an essay inspired by a photograph that captured a story, emotion or idea that was important to them.
“The goal was for them to develop self-awareness and also a collective understanding of the diverse cultural influences that shape our communities.”
The women shared drafts of their stories and then reflected on the feedback they received. It was an opportunity for them to critically examine their lives' trajectories as well as become aware of any stereotypes and assumptions that were influencing their understanding of either themselves or others. The sisters were encouraged to share their stories and appreciated each other's vulnerability. The 15 women who participated shared narratives that explore identity, migration and integration, self-actualization, gender-based violence, women empowerment and leadership.
Photovoice Project 2

Photovoice Project 1