Tom Abel

Manager of Employment Programs

Tom Abel is a social services leader and activist with 10 years' experience doing workforce development, anti-poverty, and settlement-related work in Toronto. He has a deep interest in the intersection of service provision and advocacy, and values community work that is both rooted in relationships and strives for systemic change.

In recent years, Tom has focused his career on the employment services field, where he has a passion for helping create decent work opportunities for job seekers. His interest in the "world of work" led him to pursue a MEd in Adult Education with a focus on Workplace Learning and Social Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

Tom and his wife Sharon are parents to two very energetic young boys, Benjamin and Lucas. They love spending time exploring their home neighborhood of Little India in Toronto's east end, and visiting family throughout Ontario and abroad whenever they can. In his spare time, Tom enjoys watching basketball, cooking, and learning (with varying levels of success!) new handy skills around the home.

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