Building New Beginnings: Meet Misbah Shehreyar

The Starting Point

Misbah immigrated from Pakistan to Canada in 2021 when Covid was at its peak. Upon arriving, she encountered distressing challenges that involved difficulty with settling down in a new country as well as struggling to find a job. “I started searching for a job but had no success due to several barriers. I attended several workshops online and offline to improve my resume and interview skills but there was still something missing, which I guess was a sense of belonging and a supportive network”.

Fortunately, Misbah came across the Sister2sister Advanced Leadership Program (ALP). In her words, ”I am so glad and thankful that I applied, as it did not disappoint me in any way”.

Misbah’s ALP Experience

“First, ALP Program helped me to develop a sense of belonging and instill a strong appreciation for Canadian culture,” says Misbah. In addition to the social adjustment, the program helped her to understand Canadian workplace culture, acquire a range of skills from the workshops (time management, communication, EDI, and many more) she participated in during the program. More importantly, “I advanced my professional portfolio by being awarded the Project Management certificate” after successful completion.

Career Post-Completing ALP

Misbah completed the program in August 2022. She quickly learned of a ‘Programs Assistant’ job opening with Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto. Her participant insight and knowledge of the program increased her qualification to apply for the position. In her words, “What better fulfillment could I derive than to work as the Program Assistant in the same program that positively changed my life,”.

The Surprise Bonus

Misbah got the job and started working as the Program Assistant for Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership Program. In this position, she gets opportunities to learn new challenges and apply the communication and project management tools to her daily work.

What’s Next for Misbah?

“I want to learn and grow in this position and advance my career in Project/Programs Management in the Nonprofit sector. This way, I can help more newcomer women starting their new life in Canada while supporting their professional development”, says Misbah.

We thank Misbah again for sharing her journey with the ALP Alumni network. To learn more about Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW) and the Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership program, you can read about it here.

Barbora Fabry