Building New Beginnings: Meet Guita Movallali

The Starting Point

Guita moved to Canada in search of a fresh start. Upon arriving in Canada, Guita struggled with searching for employment opportunities. Given her background as a Researcher in Iran, she utilized social media platforms as a means to connect with organizations. She enrolled in several programs including English Language courses such as Occupation-Specific Language Training (OSLT), Women Empowerment, and Employment programs with several organizations she found online. 

In the Spring of 2022, Guita saw NEW’s Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) advertising on social media. Guita’s driving motive to apply for the program was the paid internship that was built into the program curriculum, which offered a unique opportunity to acquire Canadian experience as a newcomer to Canada. “I needed to earn money and lacked the confidence to apply to jobs as a newcomer'' says Guita. 

“Secondly, the centerpiece of the program is a leadership and a foundational Project Management certificate – a highly transferable and recognized credential. All through my career in Iran, I always felt and acted like a leader and ALP cemented my belief that I can be a leader, again in Canada '' says Guita. 

Guita’s ALP Program Experience

The ALP program launched virtually, and Guita's experience was nothing short of positive!

“The program surprised me in a lot of ways. It offered a warm, welcoming environment and community of like-minded newcomer women. We shared resources with one another and occasionally arranged social outings to facilitate group bonding”. The paid internship Guita secured during the ALP program was with BoostEDU; an educational service company that catered to children with special needs. “I felt empowered; I was earning money and doing relevant work to my career history (working with deaf children)”, says Guita. 

Guita’s incredible work with BoostEDU did not go unrecognized. Here is what Ken, the Director of BoostEdu had to say,

I could not have asked for a better, more independent, and understanding intern. You are by far the most pleasant individual to work with, and you deserve great things☺. I even informed Elona that we discussed perhaps you are coming onboard as an educational specialist. Is this something you are still interested in? I’d also like to offer my/BoostEdu’s support in any possible way you need in your current role. The end of the internship is just the beginning of a new journey. Looking forward to hearing how life is going,”

Career Opportunity Post-Completion of the ALP Program

In Iran, Guita launched a number of programs. One of them was the Parent-Child Mother Goose program (P-CMGP) which she learnt first from Australia and introduced in both Iran and Afghanistan for parents with deaf & hard of hearing (DHH) children.

She recognized a gap in Canada; the program did not cater specifically to the DHH children demographic. Learning this, it became Guita’s mission to establish a similar program for deaf children in Canada.

The Surprise Bonus

Guita was certainly determined to give establishing a career a try!. In the P-CMGP organization where she was a teacher and workshop facilitator, she disclosed her need for a paying job in Canada to one of the organization directors. The director recommended Guita for the Executive Director position the organization was currently hiring for.

Given Guita’s voluntary contributions to the organization over the years coupled with her sound knowledge of the organization’s mission, it was a perfect fit! Guita reached out to the project lead for ALP to review her resume. She submitted her application, interviewed and got the job! Guita Movallali is currently the Executive Director of the Parent-Child Mother Goose (PCMG) program.

What’s Next for Guita?

Before arriving in Canada, Guita was a founder for Faranak Clinic Association (in Iran) in memory of her mum. The organization provides special needs to deaf children and their families/caregivers. After dedicating 2022 to research and entrepreneurial programs, Guita has established her foundation for deaf children in Canada as of Jan 2023! To learn more about her foundation, click here

We want to thank Guita again for taking the time to chat with us and contributing to the ALP Alumi network. If you’re interested in learning more about Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW) and the Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership Program (ALP), please visit here.

Barbora Fabry