TORONTO (ONTARIO) October 3rd, 2022 – Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW) is pleased to announce that we met with Minister Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. Earlier this year, NEW received generous funding from the Ministry through their Skills Development Fund program to support our Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership Program (ALP). During the Minister’s visit, we discussed the importance and impact of this funding. We also outlined how this program works with educational institutions, industry partners, and employers to meet the labour market demands, support immigrant women’s inclusion in the workplace, and drive economic growth.
"Immigrants make our province stronger and our culture richer. Our government is proud to invest in programs that give newcomer women the skills to find meaningful jobs in their communities, lead purpose-driven lives, and grow Ontario's economy for everyone." Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.
The Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership Program is a skills and leadership development program that bridges the gap between employer needs and immigrant women skills through intensive training in soft and hard skills capped by a paid internship.
“We are thrilled that we have met with Minister McNaughton and his staff today. The Ministry’s generous contribution has allowed us to support 75 immigrant and refugee women through comprehensive skills and leadership development training, as well as offer them pathways to the Canadian labour market through paid internships and job placements. Our program has been a huge success, its impact on our participants was featured in the Globe and Mail.” says Sara Asalya, Executive Director, NEW.
Sister2Sister ALP is offered in partnership with Schulich Executive Education, a strategic business unit within the Schulich School of Business at York University. The centrepiece of the program is a foundational Project Management certificate – a highly transferable and recognized credential offered by Schulich. The program offers a go-to-market strategic plan, employment readiness, career coaching and a paid internship through a robust partner network.
“At Schulich ExecEd, we help organizations build and foster an inclusive, diverse, and equitable workplace culture with a strong emphasis on promoting and developing equity deserving groups. We are incredibly proud to be a part of the Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership Program in partnership with Newcomer Women's Services Toronto to help immigrant women transition into the job market and develop a successful career in our community. We are thrilled to meet with Ontario Minster, Monte McNaughton and our vision is that together we can provide the right tools and skills to help a historically underrepresented group in the Canadian labour force to kick start their Canadian careers and thrive in our economy.” Rami Mayer, Executive Director, Schulich ExecEd, Schulich School of Business, York University.
A recent study by the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC), titled Bridging the Gap: Immigrant Women and Their Labour Market Integration in the GTA, revealed that immigrant women in the Greater Toronto Area are facing persistent career barriers despite their qualifications. Around half of the respondents, 51.2%, indicated that lack of Canadian experience constitutes a huge barrier for them to access the labour market as it is required by many employers and recruiters. In addition, between May 2019 to May 2020, the unemployment rate of immigrant women increased by ~7%, a significant difference to the unemployment rate of Canadian-born men and women which rose by ~4.5%.* Furthermore, University-educated immigrant women experienced the largest unemployment rates; 12.6% in May 2020, a shocking 7.3% higher than the previous year. In comparison, University-educated Canadian-born women experienced unemployment rates of 5% - only 2.7% higher than the previous year.
Sara Asalya observes “This is why our program is focused on building leadership capacity for immigrant and refugee women while supporting their upskilling, upward mobility and economic integration, resilience, and advancement. The program represents a job pathway solution to channel immigrant women seeking employment, especially those who have been severely impacted by the pandemic and continue to face barriers to employment.”
The program aligns education, training, and skills development with the needs of employers and the local labour market. The program has attracted investment and potential job creation through internships and job placements with prominent employers in Canada. One of our employer partners who participated in the program shares their experience below:
“As an employer partner, we are pleased to be part of the Sister2Sister Advanced Leadership program. The program prepares immigrant women and equips them with the tools, resources and skills required to succeed in the Canadian labour market. The Immigrant Employment Council of BC hired a graduate from the program that has added value to our work from day one. The program taught participants skills that are transferable and much needed in today's labour market.” Rania Younes, Senior Manager, National Network, IECBC.
About Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto
The Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW) is an award-winning not-for-profit charity organization that was founded by a group of Latin American refugees in 1983 with a vision of strong women building strong communities. A multi-service agency with operations in two Toronto locations serving 800+ Immigrants and Refugees annually. The agency was awarded a Non-profit Employer of Choice Award in 2020! The Canadian Non-profit Employer of Choice™ Awards (NEOC) recognizes organizations across Canada that have committed themselves to better business management practices to achieve their mission. With almost 40 years of operations, NEW has been providing settlement, employment, youth programs and services, as well as English language training for newcomers and immigrants. NEW also delivers special programs focused on immigrant women empowerment, leadership and skills development, and mentorship and career advancement for immigrant and refugee women.
Press Contact:
Sara Asalya, Executive Director
Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto