Afshan Razvi


When did you come to Canada? 
May 16, 2019

Where did you come from? Dubai, UAE

Why were you interested in joining the S2S program?To understand more about the community here and to be able to give back to it. Also, to connect with like-minded people who want to make a change in the world. 

What is the most significant thing you have learned about yourself since being a Sister? I have learned to listen with an open mind because all of the women came to the table with such different perspectives. It was an eye-opening and humbling experience as people shared the stories closest to their hearts. 

Please finish these two sentences with one or two words that describe how you are feeling: Before the program, I was unsure. After the program, I am ready to make a change.

What did you appreciate the most about the program? The realness, passion and commitment of all the participants and the management team.

What is your favourite memory from the program? The session with Olivia Chow was super inspiring. Just to hear her story and to listen to her share practical tips on how to make a change in the society was priceless. 

What did you learn about gender-based violence? 
I learnt how common and subtle gender-based violence can be and how easy it is to miss some of the signs that a person could be suffering through gender-based violence and also how one has to respond when trying to help a victim. 

What does it mean to you to be a good leader? How has the Sister2Sister program helped you develop that skill or outlook? A good leader listens and is open to new ideas as he/she/they truly want to make a difference. For me, the most important takeaway was to start listening to what other people have to say and to understand that everyone has something truly unique to share. 

What is your one piece of advice to future Sister2Sister members? Make the best of this amazing opportunity to learn about the community here in Canada and to connect with an amazing bunch of women with real stories. 

Afshan’s PhotoVoice project explores what it means to map out your own journey in life.  


Sister2SisterNoreen Flanagan