NIRA Elgueta

Manager of Settlement Orientation and Community Connections

Nira Elgueta is the Settlement Orientation and Community Connections Manager At Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto.

She is passionate about inclusiveness and accessibility for newcomers, such as the safety and inclusion of women fleeing gender-based violence and the effective eradication of isolation, poverty, and exclusion.

Nira has worked as a Project Coordinator for the Gender-Based Violence Building Leadership Capacity Project at the OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, and as a Research Project Coordinator with the “Non-Status migrant Exclusion and Responses under COVID-19 in the GTA”, a project in partnership with the FCJ Refugee Centre and York University and as a Community Engagement Coordinator with Working Women Community Centre.

She is also an alumnus of the Social Justice Leadership Program at the School of Cities at the University of Toronto and the Emerging Leaders Network. Furthermore, she has handled governance, leadership, and board-related matters for The Redwood Shelter.

Ukeme Ebong